PBC Sermons

Teaching from Peebles Baptist Church

Lent Begins: Genesis 1

Although Lent does not begin till Wednesday, this year our Lenten series begins with a look at Genesis and the world as God intended and then consider what went wrong that lead to Jesus having to come and sacrifice Himself for us. As we approach Easter our language borrows much from the story of the [ more… ]


John 5:31-47

Who does Jesus say He is? What do others think of Him and does their criticism change who Jesus is? Some of the Questions Steve considers this morning as he visits PBC


John 5:16-30

As we continue our study of John we are taking 3 weeks to consider Jesus’ words and actions in John 5. A chapter where the miracle of Jesus healing is missed by those who are quick to criticise Jesus for ‘working’ on the Sabbath! This chapter not only includes Jesus response to His critics, but [ more… ]


John 5:1-15

John 5 begins with the curious story of the man who has been lame for 38 years. with no one to help him, Jesus finds him and heals him. The man who has been excluded from worship and the festivities for 38 years because of his illness, quickly goes to the Temple and nearly finds [ more… ]


Matthew 2

Outside of the Crucifixion there are few texts in the New Testament that are as difficult to read as Herod’s slaughter of the Innocent. Jesus’ birth was not the romanticised picture that we often se in nativity scenes. If any passage brings home the reality of why Jesus had to come it is this one!


Luke 2

John continues the Christmas story by looking at the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. Described as a crossroads where the fulfilment of the Old Covenant is begun in the New.


Luke 1 Part 1

John begins our advent preperations by considering the announcements to both Zechariah concerning the Birth of John the Baptist and to Mary concerning the coming of Jesus Christ


Jesus Clears the Temple

John considers the unchallenged authority of Jesus as He clears the Temple of all distractions from God, noting Jesus use of force!


Jesus’ first sign: Water into Wine

John explores what it is about water being turned into wine that encourages to believe that Jesus is the Christ. What does Jesus turning water into wine reveal about Himself and why he has come?


I am not the Messiah, John the Baptist sends his Disciples after Jesus

The testimony of John in John 1:19-51 begin with these words. In todays sermon we see how it is the Lord who bids us to come and see, but we also ask, who or what do we seek!

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