PBC Sermons


Breakout: 3 – Whole Healing

Breakout: 3 - Whole Healing

Being a beggar in first century Jerusalem was not good news. Even less so if you were unable to walk. But thanks to the Holy Spirit, Peter and John were about to change all that, for one man at least. We’ve reached Acts 3 in our series “Breakout”.


By His Stripes We Are Healed

By His Stripes We Are Healed

Guest speaker Hosanna Bankhead speaks about the healing power of Christ.


Doctor’s Report 1: Manifesto

Doctor's Report 1: Manifesto

A first century physician by the name of Luke carried out an orderly investigation into the life of Jesus. The result was two books, the first of which we know as Luke’s Gospel, and the second is the Acts of the Apostles. As we follow Luke’s reports, we begin this week in Luke 4, where [ more… ]