Posted by Vacant Pastor

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Date - 25/08/2013
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Victoria Park Centre

Summer BarbecueOnce a month all through the summer, PBC has been enjoying a barbecue after its Sunday morning service. The barbecues are free and open to all – and even if it’s raining (as it did torrentially in July!) we still go ahead, eating indoors in the Victoria Park Centre if necessary.

There’s just one more barbecue scheduled for this summer, on Sunday August 25th. That also happens to be Back to School with God Sunday – the day when we (along with many of the churches around Peeblesshire) will be having a special all-age service to pray for and support the whole school community – children, teachers and support staff. The theme this year is “Dig Down Deep”, taken from Jesus’ parable about two builders.

So if you or your children are going back to school in August, or if you know someone who is, or even if you just fancy a sausage and a burger (or a vegetable kebab), why not join us on the 25th? The service starts at 11am, with the barbecue at about 12.30. We might be outside the Victoria Park Centre, or we might be on our ground at the King’s Meadow – just look out for the big red and white Gazebo!