PBC Sermons


Flesh 7: The Curse of Work

Flesh 7: The Curse of Work

We’re continuing a series this morning in which we’ve been looking at the “incarnation” – which is a big word for a deceptively simple concept, that God put on skin and became one of us. And if he did that, what does that mean for us as Jesus followers today?


The Jonah Adventure: 1 – Resisting God

The Jonah Adventure: 1 - Resisting God

The book of Jonah might be short, but it’s packed with challenges and surprises. In chapter 1 Jonah finds out his mission – he’s to preach against the city of Nineveh. That doesn’t sound like a great idea to Jonah – Ninevah is the capital of the Assyrian empire, one of Israel’s fiercest enemies.