PBC Sermons


Breakout: 3 – Whole Healing

Breakout: 3 - Whole Healing

Being a beggar in first century Jerusalem was not good news. Even less so if you were unable to walk. But thanks to the Holy Spirit, Peter and John were about to change all that, for one man at least. We’ve reached Acts 3 in our series “Breakout”.


Breakout: 2 – Would the real gospel please stand up?

Breakout: 2 - Would the real gospel please stand up?

Acts 2, the story of Pentecost – but what’s that actually about? Is it about the Church? Is it about the Holy Spirit? Those things come into it – but the real star of the show is Jesus, and the theme is the Gospel.


Acts part 2: Wonder

Acts part 2: Wonder

Acts chapter 2 is a familiar story to most of us – the extraordinary events of Pentecost. But while the “spectacular” stuff tends to stick in our minds, the really gripping bit is Peter’s presentation to the Jews.