Haggai: 4 – Kingdom Promise
Ian Gray
Today is our last look at the messages of the Old Testament prophet Haggai, who encouraged the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple after the return from exile in Babylon. Unlike the previous messages, this last one is directed at one specific individual – Zerubbabel, the governor of Jerusalem.
Haggai: 3 – Kingdom Purity
Ian Gray
We’re into our third week on a series looking at the book of the Old Testament prophet Haggai. This week is a bit more challenging than the first two weeks, because Haggai starts off with a rather bizarre pair of questions about the Jewish law. We’ll look at what that was all about, and what [ more… ]
Haggai: 2 – Kingdom Perspective
Ian Gray
We’re in a series looking at one of the shortest books in the Bible – that of the Old Testament prophet Haggai, who brought God’s challenge to the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. Today in chapter 2, only three weeks into the temple building project and already the people are facing discouragement – [ more… ]