Inside Out: 18 – A Tale of Two…
Ian Gray
Today is the last part of our series working through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ description of what God’s new upside down, inside out Kingdom looks like, and what it means to live in it. At the end of the sermon, Jesus attacks the religious leaders who have been listening to him, and challenges [ more… ]
Upside Down: 2 – The Best News Ever
Ian Gray
We’re starting a new teaching series looking at the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ radical and completely counter-cultural words found in Matthew chapters 5-7. That famous sermon is widely acknowledged to be deeply influential – it has been read by more people, studied by more scholars, quoted by more writers, and has changed more lives [ more… ]
Flesh: 2 – Bad News Good News
Ian Gray
This is the third week of Advent – the season of preparation and waiting for Christmas and the coming of Immanuel, God with us. We’re continuing a series today taking a fresh look at what God meant – in the context of Jesus’ birth and life – when he used that phrase, and what it [ more… ]
Doctor’s Report 1: Manifesto
Ian Gray
A first century physician by the name of Luke carried out an orderly investigation into the life of Jesus. The result was two books, the first of which we know as Luke’s Gospel, and the second is the Acts of the Apostles. As we follow Luke’s reports, we begin this week in Luke 4, where [ more… ]