PBC Sermons


Breakout: 8 – Bad News, Good News

Breakout: 8 - Bad News, Good News

Four years on from Pentecost, and things for the early Church in Jerusalem are going brilliantly – except for the bits that aren’t. Then disaster strikes – which God turns around into great news.


Mission Training Day – Session 1

Mission Training Day - Session 1

Talks from the Mission training day held in Peebles on February 8th, with Scott Wilson, Keith Berryman, and the rest of the team from New Mexico. Apologies that the audio quality is not great!


Commissioned 1: Why so great?

Commissioned 1: Why so great?

What are our most important tasks for the coming year? What are the critical things that we need to prioritize and make sure we get right? We need to make sure that the answers we give to that are the same ones that God has in mind! He’s commissioned us for a specific task, and [ more… ]


Acts part 9: Scattered

Acts part 9: Scattered

The Bible is clear that God does not cause bad things to happen. But again and again, we see him using bad news to do good things. That’s exactly what happens after the murder of Stephen, as we see in the next part of our journey through the book of Acts.


Doctor’s Report 5: Sending out…

Doctor’s Report 5: Sending out...

Today’s passage from Luke’s account of the life of Jesus isn’t one that would appear on many people’s “favourite stories” list – so why did Luke spend nine verses telling us about what happened when Jesus sent out the 12 disciples?


Elijah 9: Hello and Goodbye

Elijah 9: Hello and Goodbye

We’re coming to the end of our series on Elijah, although there are more parts to his story that we’ve not had time to look at (read the end of 1 Kings and the beginning of 2 Kings for yourself). But today as we say goodbye to Elijah, we’re saying hello to his successor, Elisha.