PBC Sermons

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday: Regime Change

Palm Sunday: Regime Change

Today is the start of “Holy Week”, the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, as excited crowds cheered and waved palm branches and shouted “Hosanna!” As an occupied nation, the Jews were hoping for a change of regime – was Jesus going to be the one to provide it for them?


Through the Storm: Palm Sunday

Through the Storm: Palm Sunday

Sometimes storms hit. Life isn’t just one great bed of roses, as the disciples found in today’s passage. In Luke 8:22-25 the storm they were going through was a very literal one. But Jesus was with them – so everything would fine, right? They didn’t seem to think so…


Palm Sunday: Great Expectations

Palm Sunday: Great Expectations

Today is the start of “Holy Week”, the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, as excited crowds cheered and waved palm branches and shouted “Hosanna!” The people had great expectations – but the reality that followed was somewhat different.


Who’s in the driving seat?