PBC Sermons


Breakout: 10 – No Favourites

Breakout: 10 - No Favourites

Peter’s vision of a sheet filled with animals being lowered down from heaven might stick in our minds, simply because it’s a slightly strange story… but is it anything more than that? Surprisingly, for most of us it might turn out to be one of the most important passages in the Bible. Acts 9:32 – [ more… ]


Breakout: 4 – Transformed & Emboldened

Breakout: 4 - Transformed & Emboldened

Jesus transformed Peter’s life and in Acts 4 we get a glimpse into that. His life presents us with both the challenge and encouragement that God loves us as we are but loves us so much He doesn’t leave us as we are. In Acts 4 we explore some of the ways Peter, and the [ more… ]


From Rock to Reed: 4 – Upon this Rock

From Rock to Reed: 4 – Upon this Rock

We’re in a teaching series following the life of Simon Peter, the most well known (and loudest) of Jesus’ disciples. Today we’re continuing where we left off last week, after Jesus had asked the fundamental question: “Who do you say that I am?”, and Peter had come up trumps with his answer, identifying Jesus as [ more… ]


From Rock to Reed: 3 – Identity Parade

From Rock to Reed: 3 - Identity Parade

As good as he was at opening his mouth and putting his foot in it, just occasionally Peter blurted out something that was important. Really important. We see one such time in our reading today, as we continue our series looking at the life of Simon Peter, the man who Jesus called “the Rock.”