From Rock to Reed: 4 – Upon this Rock
Ian Gray
We’re in a teaching series following the life of Simon Peter, the most well known (and loudest) of Jesus’ disciples. Today we’re continuing where we left off last week, after Jesus had asked the fundamental question: “Who do you say that I am?”, and Peter had come up trumps with his answer, identifying Jesus as [ more… ]
The Mission of the Church (PBC Weekend Away 3)
Jim McGillivray
Jim McGillivray, guest speaker at PBC’s Weekend Away 2016, explores the Church and God’s plan that the Church would display his character, declare his message and demonstrate his power in the world so that everyone would know come to know him through Christ. In this third and final session, the Mission of the Church, Jim [ more… ]
The Ministry of the Church (PBC Weekend Away 2)
Jim McGillivray
Jim McGillivray, guest speaker at PBC’s Weekend Away 2016, explores the Church and God’s plan that the Church would display his character, declare his message and demonstrate his power in the world so that everyone would know come to know him through Christ. In the second session, the Ministry of the Church, we look at [ more… ]
The Meaning of the Church (PBC Weekend Away 1)
Jim McGillivray
Jim McGillivray, guest speaker at PBC’s Weekend Away 2016, explores the Church and God’s plan that the Church would display his character, declare his message and demonstrate his power in the world so that everyone would know come to know him through Christ. In this first session, the Meaning of the Church, Jim looks at [ more… ]
Hope in the Church
Ian Gray
We’re on the last but one in our series looking at the Biblical idea of “Hope” – a confidence based on God’s promises. Last time we saw how Jesus’ resurrection changed everything and started God’s plan for re-creation. That will come to completion at the end of time – but what happens between now and [ more… ]