Inside Out: 10 – Turning Righteousness Inside-Out
Ian Gray
All through Matthew chapter 5 (the first part of the Sermon on the Mount, which we’ve been looking at in this series), Jesus has been talking about a way of living which is clearly only achievable with God’s help and power. Now in chapter 6, we see something quite different – very practical disciplines which, [ more… ]
Money Matters: 3 – Passionately Generous
Ian Gray
Today is our special Gift Day for the Building Project. In the lead up to this, we’ve been in a short series taking a serious look at our attitudes to money and possessions. Now, as we reach the challenge of the Gift Day itself, we’re going to be taking a look at an example Jesus [ more… ]
Money Matters: 2 – Tithing on Trial
Ian Gray
Leading up to our special Gift Day on June 17th, we’re in a short series taking a serious look at our attitudes to money and possessions. Today, the Biblical principle of Tithing is on trial – we’re going to be looking at what it means, and at whether this Old Testament law applies to us [ more… ]
Habits of Happiness: 1b – Giving
Ian Gray
We all want to be happy, yes? Last week we started a series looking at things we can get into the habit of doing, that will directly affect how happy (and joyful, and contented, and mature) we are. The first one we looked at was the habit of giving, and because that’s a big topic [ more… ]