Breakout: 4 – Transformed & Emboldened
Mo Gibbs
Jesus transformed Peter’s life and in Acts 4 we get a glimpse into that. His life presents us with both the challenge and encouragement that God loves us as we are but loves us so much He doesn’t leave us as we are. In Acts 4 we explore some of the ways Peter, and the [ more… ]
Fan into flame
Ian Gray
Fire is a common metaphor in the New Testament, as well as in songs. We’re all familiar with the old children’s song “This little light of mine – I’m gonna let it shine”… but just how little is that light supposed to be? Do we need to be careful it doesn’t get blown out by [ more… ]
Third Person: 7 – Gifts for All pt 3
Ian Gray
The final part of our series on the Holy Spirit. We extended the series to look in a bit more detail at the Gifts of the Spirit – “God-given abilities which enables believers to effectively serve the body of Christ”. As we conclude this study today we’ll look at several more gifts, including the controversial [ more… ]
Third Person: 6 – Gifts for All pt 2
Ian Gray
Continuing the final part in our series on the Holy Spirit, today we’re taking a further look at the Gifts of the Spirit. We saw last week that a Spiritual Gift is “a God-given ability which enables a believer to effectively serve the body of Christ”, and that they are given to all believers. What [ more… ]
Third Person: 5 – Gifts for All
Ian Gray
Would you like a gift? God has chosen the perfect gift for each person in the church; the strange thing is that many of us don’t know what we’re supposed to do with our gift, others don’t try to use it, and some of us don’t even know that we’ve been given a gift let [ more… ]
Third Person: 4 – Fruity Living
Ian Gray
This week we’re looking at what may be a familiar passage from Galatians 5, where Paul discusses the Fruit of the Spirit. But how are we supposed to grow that fruit? What do we need to do in order to get it? And what’s that got to do with the Holy Spirit? Apologies that there [ more… ]
Third Person: 3 – Power to Live!
Ian Gray
We’re in a series looking at the Holy Spirit – that person of the Trinity that we often get so confused and nervous about. Paul the Apostle wrote a good deal about the Holy Spirit, and this morning we’re taking a brief look at one of his most famous passages: Romans 8. It has lots [ more… ]
Third Person: 2 – Don’t leave home without it
Ian Gray
The Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit that is really quite intriguing. They called him “the Wild Goose”. The name hints at the mysterious nature of the Holy Spirit. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger and an air of unpredictability [ more… ]
Third Person: 1 – Better than Jesus?
Ian Gray
The Paraclete; Comforter; Advocate; Counsellor; Wild Goose… The third person of the Trinity has been given all sorts of names over the years. Whatever we call him, how much do we understand about who the Holy Spirit is, what he does, and how he fits into our lives today? Dare to experience more as we [ more… ]