PBC Sermons


Man in the Mirror 1

Man in the Mirror 1

What do you see when you look in the mirror? The Bible says that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. We were created to be loved. But we often get caught up in patterns of self-loathing and shame. Maybe it’s time to take a look at our relationship with the “Man in the Mirror”, and [ more… ]


The God kind of love

The God kind of love

Visiting speaker Hosana Bankhead preaches on John 15:9-17.


Jesus at our table 3: Loving Generously

Jesus at our table 3: Loving Generously

Today’s very moving story from Luke’s gospel continues our Lent sermon series called “Jesus at our table”.


7 Letters: 1 – Ephesus (Losing your first love)

7 Letters: 1 – Ephesus (Losing your first love)

What if Jesus came to visit our church, and gave us a report card based on what he found? That’s exactly what he did to seven churches in the Roman province of Asia, and the report cards he wrote to them are all shown in the first three chapters of Revelation. We’re starting a new [ more… ]


Harvest Thanksgiving

Harvest Thanksgiving

As we celebrate the season of Harvest, we”re focussing on all that we have to thank God for. There is a particular phrase in the Old Testament that appears lots of times in different books of the Bible that captures the essence of what the Bible has to say about gratitude: “Give thanks to the [ more… ]




Visiting speaker Stephen Collins from the Scottish Baptist College talks about Love.


Love One Another

Love One Another

Today we’re thinking about love – God’s love for us, his command for us to love one another, and what all that really means in practice. Easy to say – and actually it’s supposed to be pretty easy to do too. So why do we try to make it complicated and difficult in our minds?

