Inside Out: 18 – A Tale of Two…
Ian Gray
Today is the last part of our series working through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ description of what God’s new upside down, inside out Kingdom looks like, and what it means to live in it. At the end of the sermon, Jesus attacks the religious leaders who have been listening to him, and challenges [ more… ]
Inside Out: 12 – Teach us to Pray
Ian Gray
Surveys show that a remarkably high percentage of people admit to praying, at least occasionally. Perhaps for some of us, we’re really unsure about how to pray. What do I say? What do I pray about? How does this whole thing work? While for others of us, perhaps those of us who have been Christians [ more… ]
Inside Out: 11 – How not to Pray
Ian Gray
As we continue our series looking at the Sermon on the Mount, in today’s passage Jesus is talking about Prayer. Of course we pray together when we meet for services and prayer meetings – but how do we pray when we on our own with God? Do we pray at all – or if we [ more… ]
Inside Out: 10 – Turning Righteousness Inside-Out
Ian Gray
All through Matthew chapter 5 (the first part of the Sermon on the Mount, which we’ve been looking at in this series), Jesus has been talking about a way of living which is clearly only achievable with God’s help and power. Now in chapter 6, we see something quite different – very practical disciplines which, [ more… ]
Inside Out: 6 – Living with Lust
Ian Gray
Sex is a topic that, in church, seems either to be avoided altogether, or talked about in very negative ways. But today we’re going to see what Jesus has to say about this in his Sermon on the Mount, as we continue our series looking at the Inside Out kingdom of God that he was [ more… ]
Inside Out: 4 – Good and Angry
Ian Gray
Sometimes we think we’ve got everything sorted out – for ourselves, for those we love, maybe even for God. Then some idiot comes along and does something that messes it all up. Aaarggh! Today we’re looking at what Jesus has to say in the Sermon on the Mount about anger, and what place that has [ more… ]
Inside Out: 3 – Law or Grace?
Ian Gray
What’s the relationship between Grace and Law? Another try at getting our heads around this important and exciting (but sometimes quite hard to understand) question, based on what Jesus says about his fulfilment of the law in Matthew 5. This is part of our series working through the Sermon on the Mount.
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